ARCO-OP member peer reviewed publication!
Morgan Smith
Published in Quaternary Science Reviews:
Geoarchaeological Excavations at the Guest Mammoth Site (8MR130), Florida, USA
ARCO-OP acquires research vessel!
RV Clovis Shoreline
Funded by a generous grant from the Felburn Foundation

Board member Morgan Smith wrote a proposal to the Felburn Foundation to acquire a research vessel capable of reaching offshore locations inaccessible with smaller vessels typically used for ARCO-OP projects. A 33 ft Donzi is the result.
ARCO-OP receives funding for offshore research!
SPLASH: A Deeper Dive into the Archaeology of the Continental Shelf
Board members Shawn Joy and Morgan Smith received Florida Division of Historical Resources grant funds for their proposal of survey and diving off the coast of St. Marks, Wakulla County. Operations include geophysical remote sensing, site mapping, limited excavations, photogrammetry and 3D modeling of sites, artifact recording, laboratory analysis and radiocarbon dating,. Shawn Joy is the principal investigator. Click here for more information!

ARCO-OP receives grant to assess the effects of Hurricane Michael on offshore sites
ARCO-OP is approved for $500k funding by the National Park Service via the Florida Division of Historical Resources for a proposal written by Board members Smith and Joy. This 2-year project will assess damage to submerged historic (shipwrecks) and precontact archaeological sites potentially impacted by Hurricane Michael and make recommendations for site preservation. ARCO-OP is excited to work with the Submerged Archaeological Conservancy International (SACI) for assessing the shipwrecks.

ARCO-OP receives grant for Lake George III:
Searching for Paleoindian and Pre-Clovis Sites
ARCO-OP is approved for a small category grant from the Florida Division of Historical Resources to conduct further research under Lake George searching for Paleoindian and earlier sites. The $48k grant includes funding for survey of a portion of the Lake using traditional sub bottom and new HALD techniques for identifying buried early sites. Activities include coring, and micromorphological analysis of sediments, palynology, and macrobotanical analysis. The goal is to better understand the paleoenvironmental conditions in the region between ~10 calkya to 22 calkya years before present. David Thulman is the Principal Investigator. Click here for more information!